You are able to claim a deduction for Self-Education expenses if they meet the following criteria:
Lead to a formal qualification
Have sufficient connection with your current employment and either maintain/improve the your current skill set or knowledge in your role, or may lead to an increase in your income in your current employment.
If your expenses do not exactly meet this criteria, then you are not able to make this claim. For example, if the qualification allows you to get new employment, then this is not deductible.
Examples of what you can claim are as follows:
Course/Conference/Tuition Fees
Accommodation and meals if you stay overnight
Computer expenses
Depreciation on any capital expenditure (over $300)
Repairs on any capital assets
Travel expenses & Fares
Home office costs
Parking (directly related)
Phone usage
Postage & Stationery
Student union fees
Any other student fees
Travel to and from education precinct
Examples you can't claim:
meals when you are not staying overnight
repayment of HECS/HELP loan
home office occupancy expenses
If you have any questions regarding these claims, please don't hesitate to contact us here at Nixer.