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Proof of Your Identity

Why do we need to prove your identity, what information is required, how is it used and what is stored.

Peter Bayliss avatar
Written by Peter Bayliss
Updated over 2 years ago

Why do we need to verify your identity?

In order to comply with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) Practice Note TPB(PN) 5/2022 (, registered tax practitioners are required to take reasonable steps to verify the identity of their clients.

How do we verify your identity?

Your identity is verified through an accredited IDMatch Gateway Service Provider. Our identity provider is required to uphold strict security and privacy standards. You can choose to verify your identity using an Australian Drivers Licence, Australian Passport, Australian Medicare Card, or Australian Visa. The verification process is automated and you will receive a result within 30 seconds. If you don't have any of these documents, please contact and we will assist you.

By verifying your identity, you confirm that you are authorised to provide the personal details presented and consent to your information being checked with the document issuer or official record holder via third party systems for the purpose of confirming your identity.

What information do we store?

As part of the identity verification process, Nixer will store your full name and date of birth. Nixer will not store any other information from your ID such as document numbers or expiry dates. Our identity provider may store your details for up to 30 days, after which all sensitive information will be redacted.

What do we do with your information?

Nixer will use your verified name and date of birth to act on your behalf with the Australian Tax Office (ATO). Nixer will not use any other details from your ID for any purpose other than identity verification.

What if I have any questions?

Please contact and we'll help you out.

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