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Why use a Tax Agent?

Benefits of using a professional accountant!

Peter Bayliss avatar
Written by Peter Bayliss
Updated over a week ago

Many people usually pose the question, what is the point of getting an accountant to handle my tax affairs when I can just do them myself?

Here are Nixer, we believe that we will provide benefits of a greater amount than you will pay for our service. We have listed below some of the benefits of using Nixer as your preferred tax professional:

  • Our simple to use systems will save you time and stress, so that you have more free time to do what you would rather do.

  • Using Nixer you no longer have to rush to get your tax return completed by the deadline of October 31st. Instead you get an extension to lodge until the 16th of May!

  • We can help you find deductions that you never knew even existed! Not only that, we can recommend different strategies to help you maximize your tax deductions.

  • We have great tips and recommendations on how to better organize your records, which yet again will save more of your valued time!

  • We make tax simple and clear to understand. Not only will we complete your return correctly, we will help to ensure that you understand your tax obligations and ensure that you provide us with the correct information.

  • The fees you pay to Nixer are tax deductable

These are just some of the many great benefits of using Nixer as your registered tax agent!

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